
Monday, February 20, 2012

You, I, One.

Did I break you?
Did kill you inside?
I never meant to make you hide from the stars
Search yourself
Do not walk the rain in pain

Look at these fireflies
Let them shine for you
As the aurora sunrise comes
Let them wash your tears
As you throw away your pain
Because life can be beautiful
And let the child in you laugh
Smile, and never be broken again.

I have crossed the bridge
I used to think it was pitch black
I used to believe that I live far from the track
Until I realized
I will only be in this form once, and not again
Loose your anger, let go of the troubles
Taste the air, unite the ground, dream the water, feel the fire, and reach the stars.

And you, come back to you.
Live in the moment.
You, I, One.